Digital Materiality: Exploring Tensions Between Physicality and Virtuality in Ar

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Table ronde organisée par KU Leuven The round table session "Digital Materiality" explores the intersection of physical and digital art, focusing on the digital reproduction of physical artworks and materiality in digital art. We aim to address key questions: How can the material properties of physical artworks be accurately represented digitally? What role do digital reproductions play in preserving physical artworks? The concept of materiality in digital art is examined, considering techniques that simulate textures and lighting. We also navigate the complexities of appreciating material properties in digital artworks, exploring the philosophical, perceptual, and cultural aspects involved. Our goal is to deepen understanding of how viewers engage with and interpret digital art. Modératrice : Audrey NASSIEU-MAUPAS (Paris, France)

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Salon Pasteur
Centre de Congrès de

69006 Lyon

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